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  • day 1 of the best 3 days of my life.

day 1 of the best 3 days of my life.

recap of nights and weekends s4 sf-irl

Yo! Brook here!

Here is a recap of what I may be 3 days of my life so far: the in real life event from nights and weekends.

What was nights and weekends s4 sf-irl?

nights and weekends is a program held by a company named buildspace. It's where you build your ideas for 6 weeks alongside other builders. And this is the in-real-life event where those who graduate are invited out to San Francisco, California to push their ideas even further for three days.

So, how did it go?

Well, lets begin with day 1.

Day 1.

We headed towards Fort Mason at 8:40 to be a little early, it was a 13 min walk.

We ended up waiting in line for over 30 mins waiting to be let in, but during that time we met and chatted with fellow n&w graduates, to name a few: Michael with Puppacking, Kat of MAYV music, and Erik with an AR app named ponder.

Immediately, the vibes were high. Friends were being made.

Once we got in, we found a spot to sit and dashed for the breakfast line. Only to be a little disappointed vegan oatmeal and fruit (we had only learned a 30 mins prior to the actual event starting that there would be food).

I ate a bunch of fruit, which always slaps, and some of the vegan overnight oatmeal, it was okay.

The table chatted and eventually Farza made an appearance. It was sort of surreal seeing the entire buildspace team in real life. Not in a starstruck way, these people only resided on my MacBook screen in my head, now in real life, just weird.

The event commenced, and a speech had begun. buildspace team had given out sticky notes and pens, and eventually Farza told us that we had to write some things down on the sticky notes.

  • Our name.

  • Our project and its one-liner.

  • Our goal for the weekend.

  • And finally how close we were to achieving this goal already.

I wrote one down for wonderpunk (my mobile app that I did for the past 6 weeks).

It didn't feel right.

I wrote another one...

Still wrong.

Time to pivot.

The answer? I and my low code web dev business.

It took until my 6th sticky note for me to get it right.

My goal? Reach $1500 total in revenue and 2 more sales.

We had to speak to a buildspace team member to get them to sign off on the sticky note. I chose Amit.

He signed off on it with supreme confidence in me. (ty amit.)

We were told that lunch would arrive at 2pm and dinner would be at 6pm. And that spectreseek and alterok would have lectures that night. That is it. Oh, and that we should use our time wisely.

Nice. Free time?

Nah, we had to get to work.

I posted to the irl whatsapp group chat, and said:

Yo! Calling all builders that need a website but don't want to deal with building and maintaining one.

I make no/low code solutions to help entrepreneurs launch.

Let me know if you are interested by dropping mea reply!

I got a surprising amount of interest.

Over 4 people reached out in some way, and for a large majority of them being developers, this was a good outcome.

One named Chloe reached out saying that she was struggling with Squarespace. And so we teamed up, and I built her a website.

It took me a couple of hours, but thanks to her preparation, it was a smooth process and she had a website.

She was now able to launch her waitlist and get on the road to fulfilling her project Mass Invest. Check out her website here if you are curious: https://massinvest.framer.website.

She gave me 20 bucks, and I was one sale closer to my goal of two sales.

But not AT ALL closer to my goal of $1500. Needless to say, I kissed that goal goodbye.

But I kept my 2 sales goal, and now I only needed one more.

The night got busy, and I worked on clarifying my offer for this weekend and how to market it. As well as chatting with others.

The night was closed out by being offered to go to a party in Market where a bunch of AI founders were gathering to enjoy BBQ and beer.

We got a ride with a new friend, Dev, and once we got there was no food, but tons of booze and very loud music.

We chatted with some engineers at Twitter and some random musician from Chicago, then caught a lyft home.

It wasn't the worst party, but not what we wanted to do after a busy day of hustling.

Sleep time.

Part 2 will be dropping tomorrow.

see ya then!

